
Welcome in da house Masteos!

Welcome in da house Masteos!

Meeting incredible start-ups is part of our daily job in venture capital. But meeting THE start-up that is really turning upside down a whole market such as real estate is something that happens once in a blue moon.

Masteos is part of those start-ups and we couldn’t be prouder to share with you this latest investment of €15M ! Welcome in da house Masteos! 🎉💛

If you haven’t heard about them, let’s introduce you to Masteos, the TEMPLE of rental investment (be careful, the Ancient Greek vocabulary is everywhere with them!)

Created in 2019, Masteos is providing an all-in-one premium service for those seeking to buy a real estate asset in France.

What’s really impressive about them is that they can manage a full project, from sourcing the perfect asset, due diligence, to the administrative issues, the financial structuration, notarial stuff, and even doing remodeling and the rental management. If you already had the opportunity to buy an apartment, you know how many pain points Masteos could help you overcome… On average, it’s more than 250 hours saved : the faster you buy your property, the faster you receive your first rent!

With Masteos, you are in good hands : their professional service has already seduced more than 5,000 people!

Now that they are part of the daphni family, we wish them to achieve their highest dreams to become the leader on the proptech market and to go over French borders!

By the way, have a look at our latest episode with Masteos co-founder Thierry Vignal (don’t miss his Britney Spears’ tribute 😉) if you are interested to learn more about how he built the Masteos Temple! It was an amazing episode to record and we hope that you will learn as much as we did.

Da yours,

The daphni team

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