
In the race against the disease

In the race against the disease

Big news for Défi Voile Solidaires En Peloton! First, we wish all the team a very happy 10 years anniversary 🎂 and second, we’re 100% behind Thibaut for the great departure in a few days for the famous Route du Rhum

You don’t know what we’re talking about? Let us explain what SEP is about! 2012 was the year of all beginnings (or almost). At this moment, Thibaut Vauchel-Camus and Victorien Erussard came to see Bernard Gentric, to create a joint project.

On their side, Thibaut and Victorien were skippers and winners of multiple sailing competitions. On the other side, Bernard was vice-president of the ARSEP Foundation which finances research on multiple sclerosis and founder of Solidaires En Peloton. 
From this meeting is born the project Défi Voile Solidaires en Peloton 🌊

For the past 10 years, Thibaut, an outstanding skipper competitor, has participated in multiple competitions and races with three main goals: to raise awareness of multiple sclerosis, to give hope to people suffering from the disease, and to collect funds for the ARSEP Foundation.

Even after all these years, the fight is not over and research still needs our help. Today, more than 120,000 people are affected by this disease and 3,000 new ones are diagnosed each year.
We’re beyond proud to be supporting Thibaut and all the team in their project Défi Voile Solidaires en Peloton. 
Only one thing remains to say: stay tuned for Thibaut’s departure! The Route du Rhum starts on November 6th in Saint Malo.

🎥 A few memories to look back on the last 10 years of Défi Voile Solidaire En Peloton to discover here 

Da yours,

The daphni team 

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