
Meet our portfolios companies

Meet our portfolios companies

Hi folks,

📖 Once upon a time in Paris, in 2016, near Sentier metro station… a French « mutant » VC named daphni was born… Born to go beyond and bring a little something special to  technology INVESTMENTS through its own digital mutation and an audacious tech for good strategy.

💡“But how?” 

🌎The digital mutation began with our community of ~300 experts onboarded onto our proprietary open innovation platform. This platform enables efficiency, collaboration and transparency during the investment processes and when supporting our portfolio

Our investment thesis is simple and unchanged since our inception: To support companies that contribute towards making the world a better place for the future generations. Simply put, our mission is to empower founders to build a socially and environmentally sustainable future by leveraging disruptive models, deep tech & innovation.

🤝Seven years on, and we strengthen and consolidate our fundamental convictions by building a track record of responsible investments in the circular economy, sharing economy, upcycling, refurbishing, social inclusion, sustainable product, education, future of work… 47 companies founded by incredible entrepreneurs and leaders shaping our Purple, Yellow and Dastore portfolios (illustrated below).

Some chapters have opened and some have closed, but through it all, we continue to not only provide capital, but also operational support and access to our community of experts. We endeavor to facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among our community members.

It’s been 7 years, but this is just the beginning. 🚀

A big thanks to our amazing entrepreneurs, to the developing ecosystem and our audacious and crazy team of mutants that allow this special VC ship to continue to stand out in the Tech ecosystem.


Da yours,
The daphni Team 👾


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