
Veggie, Vidi, Vici

Veggie, Vidi, Vici

You probably remember our newsletter Build Da Body. For. Good. one month ago, talking about Health and Food. If you do remember, the word Beendi must ring a bell. If you don’t, the only thing I can see is that either you put the email directly in the trash — not cool — or you read it thinking about something else — not focused.
Anyway, for your guidance, Beendi is the brand created by Beena and Yannick that aims to provide better food for all.

Recently, they decided to launch Beedeli, a new super cool daily veggie brand, eco-responsible and 100% made in France. For the team, cooking is all about mixing and matching: flavorsingredientsknow-how… It’s a real source of inspiration. Thanks to its culinary and nutritional know-how, Beedeli brings a veggie and cheerful food into the everyday life of French eaters. Certified organic, the brand amazes us with its range of 7 mixes for veggie dishes, gourmet and simple to prepare in less than 10 minutes, packed in 100% recyclable packs. They all have a thing in common, only one ingredient to add: WATER.

To put it simple folks, Beedeli is a mix of coloursspicessimplicity, and a lot of joy and conviviality.

If we still haven’t managed to make your mouth water, you should check out their Instagram. Like us, if you like this casserole universe realized by the creative studio Tu seras beau, it’s probably because it’s the symbol of a family cooking, a happy home where the casserole is on a brisk heat all morning long.


P.S.: You should really try the tabbouleh, a perfect recipe for summer.

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