
What does the fox say?

What does the fox say?

What does the fox say? – Remember that crazy song? Well, ain’t gonna talk about it. But now that you have it in your head, I feel better. No need to thank me! 🙃 Today we’d like to share a fantastic news! Nop, it’s not about the record of the week. +100 billion euros raised by European start-ups this year? Yeah that’s a milestone, but folks I have a much COOLER announcement for you today: the acquisition of our favorite fox 🦊

Can you believe it? Foxintelligence has been acquired by NielsenIQAnd the fun thing is, when the company joined our Purple portfolio in 2016, we wrote a Why we invested in article quoting NielsenIQ: “Brick-and-mortar retailers are heavily relying on data points, such as their updated market share, best selling products and brands, demographics, pricing and discount strategy, breakdown of the product and category mix etc. to stay competitive in the market. Traditional measurement and data analytics companies such as NielsenIQ, Kantar and Ipsos provide data and marketing studies from offline transactions, but they are unable to measure online KPIs.

Because yes, the team wanted to become the “Nielsen of e-commerce”. And today, they have the immense pride of becoming the “E-commerce of NielsenIQ”. BOOM!
Together, they’re going to quite simply make granular insights on e-commerce accessible for the first time in the world. And this, in Europe and in the US 🚀

In 6 years of existence, Foxintelligence created the new benchmark tool for measuring e-commerce, by collecting billions of pieces of information on online transactions from their panel of 600K e-shoppers in near real time. This merger confirms the strength of their model, the relevance of their strategy and NielsenIQ’s confidence in their growth potential!

Edouard Nattée shared how proud he is in the press release: “We are extremely proud and happy to join the NielsenIQ family. We have been working for over a year on common themes to bring ever more value to our clients and we will now provide them a more comprehensive and integrated vision of the online and offline marketplace.” he said.

👏 Congrats Edouard Nattée, Nicolas Remia, Florian Cleyet-Merle, Louis Balladur & team!

Da yours,

The daphni team

PS: What does the fox actually say??

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