
Welcome in da House Modjo!

Welcome in da House Modjo!


No folks, we’re not talking about having the modjo or about the group at the origin of the famous song Lady. We’re talking about Modjo the startup, only 18 months old, that just raised €7M with Aglaé Ventures and us.

Founded by 3 guys with big ambitions, Paul BerlotyCôme Hug de Larauze and Matthieu de La Fourniere, Modjo is a SaaS solution that transforms sales organisations by unveiling their customer reality through an AI-powered CRM.

The goal? To analyze all exchanges between sales representatives and their prospects/customers that take place via videoconferences, emails or by phone to detect relevant information. Thanks to Modjo, the teams can review or replay the key moments of the exchanges, easy-peasy.

“It could be a good response to an objection, good product feedback from the customer, an idea for improvement from the customer to be passed on to the product or marketing team.” says Paul.

The tool is already used and loved by many companies such as Aircall, Back Market, PayFit, Swile, and Doctolib. In their testimonials, some of these companies report that they have improved their conversion rate, sometimes by 25 to 30%, or the size of their average shopping cart, by up to 50%.

This fundraising is a new step for the whole team that is going to become bigger and bigger as they’d like to recruit about 60 talents by the end of 2022. If you’re looking for a job and have an entrepreneurial mindset, stay tuned here. On the agenda, they also are going to open countries and move to new offices. Anyway, you got it folks, the team truly is on fire to stay the number 1 European leader!

If you wanna deep dive into Modjo story, we recorded a podcast with Paul that you should listen to! And if listening to a 30min episode is too long for you, then the video option may convince you.

Da yours,


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